The Truth Untold: A Connection Beyond the Realm of Reason

The generation of multiple theories with each comeback is inevitable. The general assumption might be this blog update is an addition to one of those theories. However, not in the slightest sense does this article pertain to a theory. Rather, I intend to serve you with an outlook on BTS’ ‘Wings’ + TXT’s ‘Crown’ through the vision of the popular comic universe, ‘SAGA’.


‘SAGA’ is a space-based epic fantasy graphic novel series written by Brian K. Vaughan and illustrated by Fiona Staples. The comic draws it’s influence from another popular franchise; ‘Star Wars’. The comic is based on the ideas that Vaughan grew up with. The story revolves around a couple named Alana and Marko, both of whom belong to an extraterrestrial universe engaged in an ongoing intergalactic war. The couple is in a constant attempt to flee from this unabating tussle. They both belong to two different worlds that is at war with one another. Alana belongs to Landfall; the galaxy’s largest planet while Marko belongs to the moon; Wreath which is Landfall’s only satellite. They give birth to a girl whom they name Hazel after numerous squabbles. Hazel also serves as the comic’s occasional narrator.

Drawing parallels between ‘SAGA’ and BTS’ ‘WINGS’ and TXT’s ‘CROWN’

An Army’s theory suggests that V represents the fall of Icarus in the ‘Blood, Sweat, and Tears’ MV. I support this theory

The concept of ‘Wings’ is based on youth falling into temptations and the loss of innocence in their adolescence. The reference to the myth of Icarus and Herman Hesse’s ‘Demian’ is prevalent throughout ‘Wings’. The myth of Icarus depicts the story of a fallen angel; Icarus, who attempts to escape Crete using the pair of wax wings his father; Daedalus, had crafted using feathers and wax. Despite instructions not to fly close to the sun, Icarus commits the forbidden deed. The sun melts the wax wings and Icarus falls into the sea and drowns. Thus, Icarus falls. A fatal consequence of his ignorance. In the MV of ‘Blood, Sweat and Tears’, it is likely that V represents this fall. The painting in the background during his fall from the balcony is the painting called, ‘Landscape of the Fall of Icarus’ which provides essential clarity to this assumption.

Just as Icarus falls and drowns in the sea, V is constantly seen struggling in the water as well.

This is where ‘Demian’ steps in. I will not delve deep into the analysis related to this book because there are already many articles rotating online about the same. Besides, it would require me to post a separate article about it which I do not intend on doing. Coming back to ‘Demian’, the story portrays two worlds. The world of vice and the world of virtue. Young Sinclair is constantly drawn between these two worlds. However, the choice is what matters as Herman Hesse states, “There is no reality except the one contained within us.” Ultimately, it depends upon us to create our own reality. V’s fall probably suggests falling into the temptations of youth which is the basic theme of ‘Wings’, the struggles during the process of maturation.

When Icarus falls, his wings melt into feathers. Likewise, V’s wings might have fallen into feathers. These feathers might be the ones present in the MV of ‘Young Forever’.

Each song connects to another song, that’s BTS for you my dear! *windshield wiper laugh activated*

The above lyrics from TXT’s ‘CROWN’ is also related to youth and the constant dilemma of choice between good and evil. There is a boy who is in the stage of adulting. He senses the reality around him which comprises of good and evil. He feels his inner demons winning over which is represented by the horns he is said to have grown on his head according to the song. However, in this hour of uncertainty, he meets another boy who is confined to the same struggles but his struggle is represented by his wings. The boy with wings appears and gives an assurance of relief to the boy with horns. Here, there is a close resemblance to ‘Saga’ where Marko has horns and Alana has wings. They both fall in love and give birth to Hazel. It is very important to note that Hazel is a symbol of their love in a world constantly won by evil over good. Similarly, BTS’ has wings while TXT has horns, both, a symbol of evil. However, when they come together in the realm of love, the devil’s wings changes intothe wings of an angel and the horns changes into a crown. Both eventually come to the point of the notion, ‘Love Yourself’. Just as Hazel is the symbol of love, there might be a possible crossover album that is a symbol of love. Two world collide just as in the comic. In probable terms, BTS represents Alana, TXT represents Marko, and the possible crossover album represents Hazel; the symbol of love, an element that brings together two different worlds. Love; a mark of union!

Side Note: ‘Saga’ renders GOT, LOTR, TWD and Star Wars vibes so if you’re an enthusiast of any one of these, I totally recommend reading it!

These are my assumptions and I do not have any intention to establish it as a theory. Kindly feel the liberty to ponder upon this and leave your opinions below. I’d be obliged! 💜 Also, thank you for sticking till the end of this lengthy and perhaps, tedious analysis 😂 I purple you!

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