YOUNG FOREVER: The Time is Ripe

An inexorable certitude; we cannot be young forever. Point in the future, one has to bid goodbye to their youth. At intervals into my sessions of deep thinking about life, I contemplate youth. Youth; a beautiful phenomenon, I fail to express it’s subtlety despite a dictionary of words. A phase in life where one experiences the diversity of emotions, one feels alive, the energy is alive, and when one goes through the high and low tides of the wave called life. Every once in a while, I ponder about the ephemeral mark of youth, melancholy transpires. In the past year, I happened to come across a song about this particular phenomenon. The song is “Young Forever” by the artists, BTS. There are few moments in life where a song makes you think or rather, few songs that make you think about life. Sometimes, you find such songs through pure coincidence being unknown of its existence all the while. But at the end of the day, you’re simply thankful that the song crossed your path perchance, late, but “better late than never”. Such a song for me is “Young Forever”.

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BTS wrote this song with a supposition pertaining to their listeners’ support. At this moment, they have an army of fans but will the same remain as the years pass by and the hour of advancement in years cave in? This uncertainty builds within them a desire to stay young forever. As I go through the lyrics, it makes me wonder too, “The people by my side in the present , will they be by my side forever? Will they care the same and will they love the same forever?” Human nature is capricious and I’m bound to shoulder this cognizance. Answers to these questions can only be found in time. Time is the answer. A certainty though, until my last breath, you will hear their music filling my space, you will feel my love for them still alive in me, their memories still etched in my heart, and you will still find me pondering about life as I listen to their songs. I will, in my old days,  be wondering, “Will I still be able to listen to their songs after-life, after my human form turns into ashes? I do not know but what I do know is that my perception about youth and old age has changed because of this song. I do not feel sad about my youth leaving me anymore. That sadness has been changed into a feeling of happiness, a feeling I love, a change I love, and all because of this song. What I do know is I will grow old and this time I will grow old with pleasure because I will grow old with BTS, I will grow old listening to them, I will grow old loving them more than I love them now, and by sticking together as we grow old, we can stay “YOUNG FOREVER”. 

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